Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Quit Smoking - Hypnosis

By now you should realize that after 40 years of smoking, I am angry at myself for being so gullible. It took me 40 years to realize I was being taken for a sap. Now my reward is Copd and severe emphysema. To temper the severity of that reward, I had to lose weight and start an exercise program. I still have 10-15 pounds to lose and I must increase the exercise up to a least two 10 minute sessions daily. Don't worry about me, I'll do it. The point here is to worry about you.
This post will address hypnosis as a quitting smoking strategy.
We are led to believe by traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical companies that the difficult to break smoking habit is the result of a a chemical dependence: nicotine addiction. Withdrawal from this chemical, physical dependence is the source of the very intense cravings for the next cigarette. Once again we are being mislead.
Using hypnosis as the quitting strategy completes reveals the deception. When 94% of the clients quit smoking without withdrawal after a single session of just one hour, one must conclude that the root dependency is mental habits, not physical dependency.

Click here to find out more about hypnosis as a quit smoking strategy.

With the cost of cigarettes today at about $3.00 per pack, the monthly out of pocket expense is about $100. That doesn't count dry cleaning costs and car washes. Quit smoking by using a hypnosis strategy and remove all your interest in smoking. For less than half your monthly cost of cigarettes you will be free of cigarettes. It's a no brainer at ten times the price.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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